Terms treated in my Friday’s French posts in order of appearance:
Chien assis
Donjons & dungeons
Vide-greniers, vide-armoires & brocante
S’il vous-plaît
Autant pour moi (or saying sorry)
La bise or kissing in France
Comme une vache espagnole
Châteaux & castles
Spécial (and original)
Bonne question
Patrimoine, immobilieur, mobilier, immeuble & meuble
Au revoir & salut
Truc de ouf
Confondre & confusing
Reflexive verbs
Bonne femme, nana, belle plante, gonzesse
Epouvantable épouvantail
Capital soleil
Avoir le droit & entitlement
Chance, fortune & luck
Père de famille & Exit bon père de famille
Raisins & nuts
Parapharmacie, paramédical & paramedics
Chevreuil, biche, deer
Bonne année
Perron & pas japonais
Piqûre & injection
Subtleties of si
Aimer & adorer
Se promener & marcher
Mondain, mundane and banal
Se rappeler, se souvenir, mémoire, souvenir
Ammener, emmener, apporter
Gate, clôture, barrière, portail
Fenêtre, baie, vitre & vitrail
Terrible & formidable
Livre de famille, fiche, fichier
Fauchage & faux
Tort & wrong
Déjeuner, jeune & jeûne
Normalement, normal & norme
Frais & fresh
Docteur, médecin & toubib, doctor
Prune and other metaphorical colours
Cote, côte, coteau
Littoral, côtière, rivage
Taxi, fiacre, taxis de la Marne
Déménager, déménagement, ménager
Piles, batteries & torches
Coussiège, coussin & siège
L’été indien, l’été de la saint martin, l’été de Vireux
Marmelade, confiture, jam
Poêle, poeliste, fumiste, fumisterie
Poil, cheveux, hair, fur
Retraite, retrait, pension
Service civil, service civique, civil service, fonction publique
Ecole normale, normal, standard, norm, norme
Globalisation, mondialisation, global, overall
Good-day Rosemary Kneipp
I have just now discovered (by accident ) your very informative website and find the contents quite inspiring.
I would welcome if appropriate, opinions in respect of French butcher practices.
In particularly, (although I probably comprehend the reasons in dairy areas) How is it possible to differentiate when bovine products are “beef” or in fact “cow” meat which may indeed be quite old in years versus “prime steer”.
secondly and intrinsically linked to this subject is my inability to have any butcher comprehend the “cut” of brisket……have attempted “milieu de potrine boeuf”, “pointe de Potrine “…” Potrine sans os” ….inter alia.
I do understand the French butchers charts do not recognise exactly the “brisket” I have taken US, UK and French joint charts for comparison & receive a shrug but no explanation (that I understand…this also probably part of the dilemma.
Being a newcomer to your page am not sure if this is a topic you are able to comment upon ….if so apologies.