There is a saying in France that you have to wait until after the ice saints – 11th, 12th and 13th May (Mamert, Pancrace and Servais) before you plant tomatoes and flowers like Busy Lilies. Well my tomatoes are fine because they are still in the laundry but not the Busy Lizzies or the plumbago in the barrow. Sigh.
Cette année je n’ai pas écouté le dicton qui dit qu’il faut attendre les saints de glace le 11, 12 et 13 mai avant de faire les plantations d’été. Mes impatiences ont souffert ainsi que le plumbago dans la brouette mais pas les tomates qui sont à l’abri. Oh la la!
Here it’s possible to get frost into May.
Impatience with the impatiences never pays off 🙂 (PS. Lilies should be Lizzies — that looks like an auto-correct typo, since you said Lizzies on FB).
Have corrected it! I also posted on the wrong website :).
This is some great stuff! Love the post!