Great news for Aussie in France which has been awarded the Honourable Mention Award for Best Expat Blog in France!
Thank you to everyone who sent in a review (and to those whose busy lives prevented them from doing so but who expressed their appreciation of the blog in private). I was very touched and encouraged by all your comments. The greatest joy I get out of writing my blog is knowing that someone out there in cyberspace is having a little chuckle or learning a new fact about French life or following up a suggestion of something to do or see when they are visiting this wonderful country or one of my holiday destinations.
The second greatest joy is reading your comments. It’s always surprising to see which posts attract the most reaction from readers! The other great joy is making new friends across the world, some of whom I have been able to meet up with either in France or Australia.
I would, of course, like to extend a big thank you to Expats Blog for hosting the awards.
You can see all the reviews on And do take a look at the other blogs as well if you haven’t already done so. There are 89 in all! Congratulations to the other award winners.The Gold award goes to Little Pieces of Light, Silver to From Paris to Pureza and Bronze to Sara in Le Petit Village. The other blogs who also received Honourable Mentions are Tales from the Chambre de Bonne, Oui in France, Lost in Cheeseland, Paris in Four Months and Peter’s Paris. You’ll find them all on
I also thought you might be interested to know who my readers are. In the past twelve months, 14,600 people have visited the blog, including 67% new visitors and 33% returning visitors, with an average of 2 pages per visit. A little over one third are from France (5700), with Australia next in line (4900), followed by the US (3900) and UK (1600). After that we have Canada, Germany, Italy, India and Spain, while the remainder is shared among an astounding 136 countries! My most popular post by far is Five Places to Lunch Near the Louvre in Paris!
For those who have subscribed but don’t receive posts in their email in-box, I suggest that you subscribe again. You will then receive an email requesting you to confirm your subscription. If you don’t carry out this last step, the subscription doesn’t work. I can see that this has happened to several people.
So I’m looking forward to many more hours of blogging and interacting with you, my readers!

I’m very happy to have discovered your informative blog. I’m always fascinated by blog stats — ours are significantly different to yours. Our biggest readership by far is from the US, and the most popular post, by a long way, is ‘Snakes in France’. It’s often a surprise what posts will generate the most comments. Something I thought no one would be that interested in turns out to kindle a real online discussion, whilst other posts that I put my heart and soul into have resulted in complete silence from the readers. Mostly we just chug along in the middle though, with a few comments most days.
Thank you, Susan. Yes, it’s the same for me. I never know what will spark off a discussion! Something that I forgot to say is that my readership has increased slowly but steadily from the beginning, which is encouraging. I’ll have to read your post on snakes in France!
We’ll have to organise a meet-up when we are in Blois the first week of 2013. I went to Chambord yesterday, by the way. After all your very interesting posts, I wanted to go back and visit the inside again. I can’t even remember the last time. It was most enjoyable! I really did not remember how wonderful it is!
Same thing happens with ours…
the most visited is “Hey, that’s almost an armful”…
a post about ticks!!
Extended by Susan’s comments, it makes quite a read!
Yet “t’spouse” posted about something on her blog two days ago… not a flicker… but a similar post today has already had three comments… hunh!?
I’m away for a whisky to warm up…
’tis cold ’tis!
Yes, it’s amazing. I continue to be surprised by the posts that do and don’t attract comments!
Congrats! Glad to see you’re doing so well with your blog. 🙂
And thank you, the original Aussie in France, for all your helpful advice!
Congrats!! That is great!
Thank you Bread is Pain and Françoise!
Bravo ! C’est super !
Congratulations and happy to share with you some events that you write in your post …and to read your blog so interesting !
A big congrats, Fraussie!!! Well done, and thank you so much for the effort you go to in sharing your french life 🙂 Jill
Thank you Jill!
Congratulations Fraussie on your award. Well and truly deserved. Not only have done well with your blog but you also actively support and encourage so many other bloggers and expats. Thank you for all you put in to your posts and your support.
Thank you, Femme Francophile. You have taught me a lot about blogging! And I’ve downloaded Evernotes Food. Just have to go out to dinner now!