Every time we go from Blois to Amboise, we pass Château de Chaumont, which stands majestically above the Loire River, with a quaint little row of houses below.

I visited it some years ago and was not very impressed with the inside which is rather delapidated. It must have been in the winter too because I don’t remember the gardens at all and I found the view of the river quite austere. Quite by accident today, we decided to visit the gardens where the 20th edition of the International Garden Festival is being held.

What a wonderful discovery! The gardens, with the château as a backdrop, are absolutely delightful. I just love the colours and the wonderful, sweeping view of the Loire which in summer is far more attractive than in winter, I can assure you!
- Loire River from Château de Chaumont
The festival entries are a little uneven in quality – some are lovely while others seem somewhat naive. But all thirty gardens are interesting.

We then visited the vegetable garden and the historical garden with its sweeping cedars.

Despite the price (11 euro per person), I’m definitely coming back again next year!
International Garden Festival of Chaumont Château de Chamont Loire Valley between Blois and Amboise April to October every year

We went to the opening days of the International Garden Festival when we were in the Loire Valley in April. Like you, I found the entries to be a little uneven in quality. Nonetheless, we really enjoyed our visit and the stunning vistas of the Loire River.
By the way, I gave your contact information to some friends of friends in Boston who are looking for a place to stay during their upcoming vacation in the Loire Valley. He’s an artist so I told them about your former artist in residence.
The view is really lovely isn’t it? Thank you for giving my contact information to your Boston friends.
Absolutely beautiful! When is the international garden festival?
Hi, from April to October. I’ll add the information to the post! Thank you.