When I think of Bangkok, I think of gold and garish colours. I also think of contrasts. We happened to be there for the Queen’s birthday and everyone was wearing yellow T-shirts. We had a most unusual experience which I’ll tell you about in another post. In the meantime, here is a a few representative photos. The last one is Teak House, definitely one of my favourites.
When I think of Bangkok, I think of heat and humidity, the fast flowing Chao Phraya river, brown and full as it races past the Oriental Hotel bearing canal boats heavily laden with people. I think of towering buildings and spirit houses, market stalls with enticing food aromas, tropical trees flowering in the midst of traffic jams and pollution. I think of the beauty and peace of the Sukhothai Hotel set amongst its quiet gardens and lily ponds. I think of the gleam and soft colours of old Thai silk, of the beautiful home Jim Thompson made from old teak canal houses, open to his gardens and the klong and lit with wonderful old European chandeliers; of a house and garden now bombarded by the noise of unseen speedboats and tourist boats. I think of the widespread love and respect of the ordinary people for their king and queen. But also of political instability and risk and the suffering caused by the terrible floods. Best wishes, Pamela
Pamela, what a wonderful description of Bangkok! I can see that you too loved the teak house. The Sukhothai Hotel sounds lovely. I’ll remember it for another time.