From before the Paris sky turned dull and gloomy, Mary Kay from Out and About in Paris describes her Roland Garros tennis experience, Kathy Stanford from Femmes Franchophiles goes to the Père Lachaise Cemetary and gets swooped on, and Johanna Castro from Zigazag Magazine, whose aim is to “champion voyages of discovery to dream places and quiet spaces. Helping you to “Live for the moment, Love adventure and Do something awesome” gives helpful tips to people travelling solo.
Roland Garros 2012 – Back in Paris with a “Grand Slam”!
by Mary Kay from Out and About in Paris
Stephane and I live within walking distance of Roland Garros, the home of the French Open. His favorite sport, aside from soccer, is tennis. Yet, there we were, fresh off the plane in Paris, without any tickets for the tournament. Standing forlornly outside the stadium on opening day, we wondered what had happened. Read more
Père Lachaise Cemetery and Brocante
by Kathy Stanford from Femmes Francophiles
Being the ‘season’ for brocantes I visited the Père Lachaise brocante nearby to the cemetery of the same name. I was actually filling in time until the cemetery opened. It opens later on weekends. Brocantes are where individuals and dealers sell second hand and antique goods. You can buy everything from crockery and glassware to furniture to knick knacks. It was a funny moment when I tried to disengage myself from discussion with a dealer who was keen to shout me coffee at the local café. He was amazed that an Australian would learn French and come to France. Read more.
Travelling Alone. Solo Travel. What you Need to Know.
by Johanna Castro from Zigzag Magazine
Must Know tips for Travelling Solo
According to the Australian Bureau of Statistics the fastest-growing household type in Australia is ‘lone-person households’ which are anticipated to grow to about three million by 2031.
With that in mind tour companies and hotels will be wanting to attract this new demographic, so do your research before you pay a hefty single supplement. Read more

Thanks for including my blog in your weekly round up. As always I loved reading MKs post. I love the chatty way she writes – not to mention jumping out of plane and going to the tennis.
You’re welcome! I once jumped out of a plane after teaching translation for a week in Chennai in India and went straight to a foie gras cooking class – but then, I’m not a tennis fan!
Thanks for including Travelling Solo in Aussie in France. Much appreciated 🙂
You’re very welcome. I’ve only just discovered your blog and all the interesting information it contains. I have several friends who are solo travellers and will appreciate your tips.
What a treat to wake up this morning and discover that my Roland Garros post was included in your Wednesday roundup. Thank you! I have to admit that I wish that I would have thought of doing a weekly roundup because it’s always interesting to learn about new blogs and to see what other bloggers are writing about.
Thanks again!
Hi Mary! “Weekly roundup” is a good name. I might start saying “Wednesday’s blog roundup” rather than “Wednesday’s posts from other blogs” which is a bit laborious to say the least! And I certainly wouldn’t have any objection to your doing the same thing on your blog. We all have different slants and different subjects to write about and I love sharing my favourites.