33 comment(s) for "The Oldest House in Paris":

  1. Fiona Johnston

    Thank you so much for researching these wonderful old houses. I will definitely keep this information in a file to take with me next year when I visit Paris in order to seek them out myself. I go to Paris every year and love finding new places to go to.

  2. Ellen Schütt

    would love to get new posts. At the moment we are based in Delhi because of my husbands’ work but as we have a house in Collioure, Pyrenées Orientales, we are quite often in France and I would love to visit some of the places you decribe in your posts.

  3. Gwendoline

    A very interesting post and I am pleased that it was an Aussie who wrote the first article (that I personally ever saw) on the oldest houses in Paris. I lived for awhile in Hobart, in Cromwell Street, Battery Point, where it was claimed, was the oldest house in Australia, built in the very early days of 1800. Surprisingly it had large French windows. Of course most dwellings prior to then would have been wood or wattle and daub, and long since disappeared. I think the oldest house in Sydney was the Macarthur Homestead (Elizabeth Farm?) and that was falling down and totally neglected back in the 70’s. I enjoyed living in Rome for six years but when I was expecting our first child I had to accept that the tiny flat we were able to afford in the heart of Rome (3 flights of steep stairs, no lift or central heating and no laundry) was not the place for a child. Thankyou for sharing all your great experiences in France. Gwendoline from Ballarat, Australia.

  4. […] These old ladies look still good for their age, but if you want to compare them with another pretender to the title, I’ll let Rosemary from Aussie in France take you for a walk to Nicolas Flamel’s house! […]

  5. […] I learnt about it while taking some Australian friends on a walking tour that included the oldest houses in Paris. […]

  6. […] and Rue de Réaumur Alex parks his motorcycle. Just a short walk away on Rue Volta is one of the oldest houses in Paris, built in […]

  7. I love a good pho and bun bo but what a shame that building has been so heartlessly transformed! Somehow it’s never occured to me that there aren’t any medieval building in Paris, but now I think about it it’s true you don’t see really ancient ones. Thanks for searching out these lovely houses for us Rosemary. The inscription is beautiful. Thanks for linking this to #AllAboutFrance

  8. Incredible: combining two of my dearest passion: Old Paris and Pho, how cool!
    Thanks for those pics, insights and snippet of history. Definitely something we missed when we used to live in Sydney!

  9. Wow, those are stunning! I’m surprised there aren’t more given that London still has medieval bits and bobs. Thank you for sharing. #allaboutfrance

  10. So cool!

  11. This is fascinating…I have never given much thought to the fact that there are few medieval buildings in Paris….#AllAboutFrance

  12. I love old houses – I want to know about everyone who lived there. Those walls must have such stories to tell. A very belated visit from #AllAboutFrance

  13. […] going past two of the oldest houses in Paris on rue François Morin, we find our way back to the Ugg shop and its cul-de-sac because we […]

  14. […] – biche, chevreuil & deer“, “Ten Top Châteaux in the Loire“, “The Oldest House in Paris” and “Visit the Loire without a Car Based in […]

  15. Lovely post about the oldest Parisian houses. Over the years I have taken pictures of all these myself but never wrote down the addresses. Now I know where to find them. Thanks a bunch.

  16. nick

    why is it particularly embarrassing that the historian was a woman who got the oldest building wrong?

  17. Peter Hewlett

    Any wanting to see the rather stunning two houses in the 4th & 5th pics should note the street is rue Francois Miron, not Morin. Might be easier to find. Well worth a look.

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