Relationnel and I have a collection of Australian Akubra and Stetson hats that we wear in winter. When we’re going away and packing the car, we often put two or more on top of each other to carry downstairs.
It’s 1.30 pm and Relationnel’s rushing to get everything in the car as quickly as he can so he can leave Paris straight after work and arrive in Blois in time for our anniversary dinner. When the car’s packed, he leaves it in the street and walks down the street to the office.
On the way, he meets a couple of people he knows and they give him a strange look but he didn’t know why.
When he gets to the office, one of his coworkers says, “That’s an interesting way to wear a hat”, but he still doesn’t understand the problem. “Why, what’s the matter?” “Well, I don’t know. That not the usual way to wear a hat is it.” So he takes it off and discovers he’s wearing two!

Hilarious! and he is such a good sport to be photographed and put on the blog like that 🙂
Yes, he is a good sport and has an excellent sense of humour. When it happened in the street, he was wearing a suit as well!
I can relate to this story. Many years ago I decided to buy a sun hat while shopping with two small children. I had my hands full so put the hat on my head. I paid for the other items but did not remember the hat until I got to the car. I don’t know how the shop assistant didn’t see it as I still had the price ticket dangling from the side.
Excellent! A friend told me that when her husband was asleep, the children drew on his face with felt pens. He woke up and went to the bakery! You can imagine the stares.